Note Self

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Your selfish notebook!

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NoteSelf is your personal, private, customizable, Evernote-like experience. You want cloud? Fine! You don't? Fine too! It's all yours, it's your decision! Why not be a bit selfish?

NoteSelf is the perfect place to store your ideas, notes, thoughts, tips, tricks, recipes... whatever you want to put into it! NoteSelf will store, index, and make it easily searchable so you will find it instantly whenever you need it!

You already know and love Evernote, we know. It is comfortable, it syncs, has search capabilities... Wow, it's almost perfect, but what about:

  • Privacy - Everything is stored on Evernote's servers!
  • Customization - If you don't like the interface of Evernote, there's nothing you can do

NoteSelf is built on top of TiddlyWiki, a powerful, free, highly customizable and open-source personal wiki. We took the best of it, it's powerful customization system, and mixed it with one of the best embedded databases available, PouchDb, to bring in the synchronization capabilities you need.

Do you want to know more? Take a look at the Features!


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Note revisions

  1. Create a note
  2. Add some text and save the note
  3. Edit the same note
  4. Add more text, save the note
  5. Repeat the previous process as many times as you want

Do you want to see previous versions? Open the revisions tab and explore them!!!
Navigate back and forth in time: see the notes exactly as they were, this includes text, tags, modification time...


Plugins just landed in NoteSelf!

How many times have you wanted to test a plugin but you didn't want to go through all the hassle of installing it?
Now this is easier than ever:

  • Go to the control panel
  • Click on the plugins tab
  • Open the plugins library
  • Click install on the interesting plugin
  • Wait a second and refresh the page

That's all! No need to download the file, no need for complex configurations, just plug and play as promised!

Note: The plugin library is just a subset of the official TiddlyWiki plugin library. All the plugins there belong to their respective authors.

Not awesome enough? Check this other features too....

  • Synchronize between multiple devices: Mobile, tablet, computer...
  • Two way synchronization with any remote CouchDB server
  • Work offline, sync when you get back online
  • Work totally offline if you want
  • Free and personal: you choose where to store your data
  • Works out of the box on your browser, does not require any plugin
  • Plug and Play, No installation or configuration required.


1st September 2014 at 12:00pm
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NoteSelf does not require any installation. It works directly in your browser which includes most modern web browsers and many mobile browsers.

How you play it is up to you:

  • Online, directly from your browser.
  • Or you can download a personal copy and run it from your hard drive.

If you decide to download a copy you can start using it by just opening your browser's download section and click on the empty.html file you just downloaded. If you want to rename the file, do it before saving any note in it!

Congratulations - you've got your own Notebook!

Although NoteSelf is more of a TiddlyWiki version than a mere plugin, if you are only interested on the plugin itself, there is also a method for installing the plugin into your own TiddlyWiki.